A Nuzlocke run is a perfect way to recapture nostalgia and bring a new level of difficulty to the games, especially for more experienced and/or adult players.

Updated July 20th, 2020 by Hayley Mullen: Not only have new Pokémon games been released in the past year, but fans are always finding the best ways to celebrate their classic favorites. Here are arguably the best Pokémon games to do a Nuzlocke challenge with that increase the difficulty reasonably while still keeping things fun. These rules can make Pokémon games more challenging and engaging. RELATED: Pokémon: 5 Reasons Why Ash Is The Best Trainer (& 5 Reasons Why Red Is Better) Generally speaking, the Nuzlocke challenge is designed to get you to use Pokémon you wouldn’t normally by restricting you to the first Pokémon you catch in each area and including a permadeath system if any Pokémon ever faints.

Every trainer makes you question the worth, cuz they could possibly have a dugtrio with compound eyes and fissure or something else that will just kill you.The Nuzlocke challenge is easily the most popular way to play Pokémongames when you’ve already beaten the game normally. It's got a survival horror esque vibe to it, with you having incredibly limited resources going up against shit that can fucking end you with no problem. Shit gets real dumb real quick, with it taking me 6 tries to even fight brock, and never clearing Mt Moon. If you haven't tried this, I would suggest it. but walking back to the start after every battle to use the center seemed like a waste of time. I was like Lv22 or some shit, so I probably could have made it through mt moon. So, I' standing in the very start if mt moon with a mon who can kill 3-4 enemies, then has blown its load. Quagsire got hit by an exploding machoke, and Poliwhirl got fucked up by an electrode. Tentacruel was awesome, but his only real attack was Hydro Pump (he also had poison sting). Golduck sucked, he didn't know any decent attacks so I let him die to heal Quagsire against Brock. I also saw a caterpie and meditite which I skipped. I started with Quagsire, and got Golduck, Poliwhirl, and Tentacruel for my wilds. I never got another Mon, and the scrub in brocks gym had a Ninetales and killed my ass. I came across a bug catcher with a Raikou and a Groudon, and Scizor went I also saw an enemy mewtwo in viridian who I smoked. I saw a bunch of good mons, but scizor kept one shotting them. This was my absolute best run for luck, I screwed it up though. It killed me while I was chucking balls at it.

I can't remember what I died to, maybe it was Gary or a bug catcher. My next wild was a Kakuna, so I moved on. I then got an Aggron, but it got rekt by a fucking sunflora and died. So, I chucked all my balls at it to no avail. My first wild was a misdreavous, who I couldn't hurt. Said charmeleon died almost immediately to Gary's skitty throwing a fucking earthquake at it. I got a grimer with toxic on route 1, but he died to a wild charmeleon that had overheat, attract, and sacred fire. He knew bubble beam and some other cool stuff.

Second time around, I started with Omastar. It seemed like it was gonna be broken, but then. So, my first run, I got a swinub who knew Fissure and Sheer Cold (and some unimportant crap). I randomized all mon appearances (starters, trainers, wilds, etc.), movesets with them fitting type themes as well as all mons starting with 4, and a few other things that were unimportant. So, I just spent a couple hours fucking around with a randomizer nuzlocke.